A modular and magnetic tube rack for all of your experiments!
This project came from my need to stay organized at the bench. I take a mise en place approach to protocols, but I could never find a rack that held all my different tube sizes at once. More often than not, I’d have a massive test tube rack with just one lonely tube in it. So I thought—why not make something customizable for each experiment and modular enough to hold everything I need? And just like that, BenchBlocs were born!
Benchbloc starter kits are available for purchase, customization, and personalization! Please use the contact form below for more information!
BenchBloc Request
Starter kits contain:
3x3 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge TubeBloc (4)
2x2 15 mL conical TubeBloc (2)
50 ml conical TubeBloc (2)
2x4 BaseBloc